Monday, January 23, 2017

Chaos or Christ

Chaos comes in many negative often violent, sinful forms look at all the destruction from so called protests of Trumps inaguration ,,,,,,, when really it's Satan causing many to have violent temper tantrums that destroyed buildings that from what I heard supported Hilary Clinton (not sure if I understand that logic )  I have so much respect for those who are peacefuly keeping their noses clean by only sharing their feelings about Trump with a small handful of peaceful people..
I myself was neither a Clinton or Trump fan but that dosn't matter anymore.
The truth is TRUMP is now our choice was Carson or Cruz but neither made it.
Whether I like Trump I as an American citizen and a Christian have to respect him and give him a chance to try to repair what I see as damage to out country..
I have had to learn to respect Obama even though he made many choices that made me cringe......took a while but with Gods help I did.
I will do the same for Trump !!!
Why because I choose Christ and even though Trumps personality and mouth has made me get self righteous and question his Christianity.
I have heard one slander against Pence and there was no proof to back that rumor up,just someone trying to attack his character........could it be because he is a Christian ...I don't know.
For those who liked Hilary and I will give her the credit for having more class than Trump did.. I am sorry for you that she didn't win .
For me she did not line up with many core values that i hold myself and this country to . Trump dosn't line up to all of them either but he does some.
But so what I am not going to call Hilary supporters bad names or hate them....truth be known I am married to one but thats ok I can respect that and when he feels the need to talk politics ext on the phone with friends that makes me uneasy .......I know to go into my office and turn on my favorite music . Simple as that.
I won't go out smash his car or the tv or smash  windows ext .  I will just learn and continue to learn to love him unconditionally as Christ does.
Christ is a God of love for the most part yes he and God  can and does discipline sin.......I know I have been on the receiving end of his discipline....not fun.
But if we blatantly and openly reject him as God and his son as Lord and Savior and do satans biding how do we not expect Gods punishment...
You can tell me science proves there is no God but I can with the bible counteract that  there are a lot of holes in books written bye Karl Sagan and Bill Nye and any other evilution ,Big Bang theory that can be proven.
This is why I choose Christ instead of Satan's Chaos