Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Gems and Jewels of Life

I am trying to start a new blogs which will deal mostly with special needs children and adults,how to help and encourage them.
I may also add poetry,songs and maybe short stories on here.
I can and will talk about my autistic teens and my husband who also has autism though not as severe.
I have come across people who don't know what autism is and and am hoping to write a story having to do with" Sammy The Sea Horse" which will explain autism in a child like manner.
I may also share articles ext reguarding the disabilities out there includeing "disabilities " caused by phobias and depressive disorders ext.
I hope to draw readers and critics inspite of my poor grammar and punctuation ext.
If anyone has anything they want me to research regarding special needs ext that pertains to to the above let me know.
For those who stumble on this blog ....God willing I am a Christian my faith in God is important to me. I may share scripture every once in a while or a song that gives me hope ext.
If you don't like my blog simply don't read it.
As scary as this world is I am not sure what if any pictures of my kids and husband I will post yet


  1. Think its good Laura all it matters is you are writing and if it helps all matters its helos to write love ya girl!!!!☺

  2. It is a great thing for you to write from the heart, God Bless Laura and pray this helps you with your healing.

  3. Great! I'll be looking forward then :)
